Baked Herb Salmon
45 mins cooking time
Baked Herb Salmon
Preheat the oven to 200C /180C fan /gas mark 6.
Mix the Lurpak® butter with dill, chives and zest of both lemons, and season well.
Parsley and tarragon work well as alternative herbs.
Take a large enough piece of foil to wrap the whole of the salmon in and lay one side of the foil onto a large shallow roasting tray. Use a little of the butter to grease the foil and then scatter over the asparagus.
Lay the salmon, skin side down, over the vegetables and dot the Lurpak® butter over the flesh of the salmon, spreading with the back of a spoon. Pour the fish stock around the salmon and then fold the foil over and around the fish and seal the edges tightly.
Bake in the preheated oven for 25 - 30 minutes until the salmon is opaque and flakes easily.
Enjoy a perfectly tender baked herb salmon cooked easily in an air fryer. When preparing a large piece of salmon about 2-3 cm thick, the cooking time is usually about 15 minutes. If your salmon is thinner or thicker, take that into consideration when cooking up a juicy herb salmon.
To serve, squeeze the juice of one lemon over the salmon, cut the remainder into wedges and serve with buttered new potatoes.