Finessing Filo Flakes
Brush, cover and sprinkle your filo pastry to perfection using a good measure of butter.
How to elevate filo texture
What is filo pastry and what to make with it
What is filo pastry?
Filo pastry is crunchy yet delicate, and for some, a rather exquisite part of baking and cooking pies, tarts and parcels. It is very thin and can take a little skill to master but it always adds something special to both sweet and savoury dishes. Filo pastry is basically an unleavened dough which can be used to wrap or top a filling. It has a satisfying bite, is made up of many layers and the thin flakes make it a truly delightful textural experience. All layers should be brushed with butter before baking – a little trick that will make all the difference. Filo consists of flour, water, and a little bit of oil or vinegar. You might stumble across a recipe that suggests using egg yolk too.
What to make with filo pastry?
Filo pastry gives you a world of opportunities to cook. Use filo pastry to top big tarts or to wrap your favourite filling into small parcels. It is versatile, so enjoy the experiment! You can play around with different shapes and sizes and why not try sweet or savoury recipes. Sweet filo tarts with fruit, chocolate, or cream are great as a dessert or special treat, yet crisp baked savory filo makes for a simple tasty appetizer too. For sweet pastry you can add sweet toppings. For savoury dishes you can use grilled vegetables, cheeses, fish, meat, and a whole spectrum of spices and sauces.
Brush your filo layers with butter
Bring out crisp and golden filo pastries. Grab your pastry brush and smear tempting butter over your filo. Each layer will absorb about 1 tbsp. of butter, so prepare, cook, and melt a good measure before brushing. And butter comes in handy too if your filo starts breaking a little. Butter works beautifully as glue – stick it back together with Lurpak® and the only difference you might notice is the extra indulgent taste of butter.
Keep your filo sheet damp
One layer of filo should consist of 4-5 sheets. Layers dry out very quickly. You get the best result by keeping the sheets covered with a clean and damp towel.